Photos: Residents Take Back The Streets At 61st Precinct’s Night Out Against Crime

The Sheepshead Bay community came together with police from the 61nd Precinct Tuesday to celebrate National Night Out Against Crime.
NYPD precincts in all five boroughs celebrated the event, a symbolic gathering initiated 31 years ago to show neighbors reclaiming their streets from violence and crime. New York City’s police force is joined by more than 15,000 communities across all 50 states.
Arriving at the 61st Precinct’s stationhouse at 2575 Coney Island Avenue, the first thing eventgoers spotted were the antique cars parked out front. The one above, an old police car, was particularly cool.

I think I take the same photo of this car every year. That’s okay. I’ll keep doing that.

The new commanding officer, Deputy Inspector Carlos Valdez, welcomed the crowd. A couple of hundred people of all ages were in attendance.

They feasted…

… A lot…

… On food donated by local businesses.

A local martial arts teacher warmed up the crowd with some Chinese kung fu.

Then his students demonstrated their skills.

The teacher came back to break a piece of marble using only two fingers. The marble was on two cubes of tofu that were not damaged.

There was also a performance by a local Russian Jewish group, who sang “Let my people go.”

Politicians mingled with constituents.

And thanked the officers for their service.

And the local businesses were recognized as well.

Rafael Pineiro
, the second highest-ranking official of the NYPD, also stopped by. It’s his second visit to the command in a month.Thanks to the 61st Precinct and the 61st Precinct Community Council for hosting another great event!