Pet Spotlight: Sciutto the Blind Rescue Dog

We met Sciutto, a two-year-old Australian Shepherd mix, on a walk with his owner’s roommate, Rebecca Bailin, in Fort Greene Park on a sunny spring day.
“He’s named Sciutto, like prosciutto, for his coloring,” Bailin said.
Sciutto, who was adopted from Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue a year and a half ago, is blind in both eyes, though he might be able to see shadows, according to Bailin.
“We think it’s genetic,” Bailin said. “But he’s clearly very happy.”
Bailin said Sciutto bumps into things, but gets around using his sense of smell. “It’s like a walking stick,” she said. “He knows where the stairs are in the apartment building.”
Sciutto also loves the sound of motorcycles, Bailin said. “It’s something about the sound, he just flips out.”
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