Pet Spotlight: Meet Lillybelle, the Dancing Dog

Lillybelle is a dog of many talents.

Not only does she dance on her hind-legs, but the Tibetan terrier mix will climb trees in pursuit of squirrels. We saw her scramble about five feet up one tree when we met Lillybelle and her owner, 8-year-old Dessa Monat and her mother at Fort Greene Park.

“Salsa dance, Lilly!” Dessa said as Lillybelle happily pranced around her.

Dessa has owned Lillybelle for two years. Holly Monat, Dessa’s mother, explained that the family had adopted Lillybelle two years ago from a shelter in Utah for Dessa’s sixth birthday.

“She has a little hole in her love bucket from being abandoned as a puppy,” Monat said. “She just soaks up love.”

Dessa said that her favorite thing about Lilly is walking her through the park on the way to school in the morning.

Lilly’s favorite thing, however, is chasing the squirrels in the park, according to Monat.

“It’s funny. When it’s off-leash in the morning, the squirrels high tail it out of here until 9 a.m.,” she said. “They all come back in the afternoon.”

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