Park Slope Planner: The Best Events October 10-13

This weekend, a chance to try out your monologue, dust off your platform boots and get your groove on, plus The Walking Dead returns (and thankfully you don’t have to watch it alone).

Open Mic Night
When: Thursday, October 10, 7pm
Where: Brooklyn Lyceum, 227 4th Avenue
What: Starting tonight, they’re reloading their weekly open mic series. If you’re a performer of any kind, you’re welcome to try out a song, read some work, or whatever you’ve got, really.
How much: A suggested purchase for the marketplace

Adventure Time Encyclopaedia Signing
When: Friday, October 11, 6-8pm
Where: Bergen Street Comics, 470 Bergen Street
What: We ran this in the kids events, but we bet there are some grown-ups who want to check out two hours of Adventure Time craziness, too.
How much: Free!

Artists Event
When: Friday, October 11, 7-9pm
Where: Canvas, 348 6th Street
What: The new cafe is hosting its first artists event, where they will be have music, poetry, and a live painting done by local artist Leon Tillman. They’re hoping to host more events and exhibits, so it you’re an artist, painter, musician, or poet, reach out to them if you’re interested in setting something up.
How much: Free!

Kings County Fiber Festival
When: Saturday, October 12, 10am-6pm
Where: The Old Stone House, 336 3rd Street
What: Kids can learn finger knitting, while grown-up fiber fans will enjoy spinning demonstrations, needle felting, and more. And you can buy some yarn, and things made out of yarn, of course.
How much: Free!

2nd Saturdays Retro Dance ParTay
When: Saturday, October 12, 5-11pm
Where: Ginger’s Bar, 363 5th Avenue
What: Come dressed in your favorite duds from the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s and groove to old school house and dance music. Door prizes, drink specials, a 50/50 raffle, and more.
How much: $5

The Gowanus Thirteen
When: Sunday, October 13, 2pm
Where: Littlefield, 622 Degraw Street
What: OXHEART and Quiet Lunch Magazine have curated an ode to the number 13. See work from 13 artists, hear tunes from live bands and DJs, and get a caricature (or 13?) done.
How much: $7 in advance, $10 at the door, 21+

The Walking Dead Season Premier
When: Sunday, October 13, 9pm
Where: The Gate, 321 5th Avenue
What: Season four of everyone’s favorite zombie television show returns, and the bar will be screening it weekly once again due to popular demand. Show up early to claim a good spot!
How much: Free!