Park Slope Planner: The Best Events December 18-21

Photo via Built By Animals

The weekend is just about here, and the fun you can have right in the neighborhood starts tonight. From a dog owner meetup and a literary reading to stand-up comedy and a free late-night rock show, there are a lot of great events coming up in our area.

Want to find more events the whole family will enjoy? Check out our children’s events roundup!

Cocoa & Candlelight Dog Owner Meetup
When: Thursday, December 18, 7:30-9pm
Where: Long Meadow, Prospect Park (near Doggie Beach)
What: Join our friends from Park Slope for Pets to let your dogs socialize, while you get to do a little of that with some humans, too. Meet your neighbors, talk puppies, and drink some cocoa — which they’ll be providing!
How much: Free!

Brooklyn Reading Works: Literary Potluck
When: Thursday, December 18, 8pm
Where: The Old Stone House, 336 3rd Street
What:  Hear a tasty assortment of writing about food by Susan Glauberman LaRosa, who writes the blog A Cake Bakes in Brooklyn; Laura Zinn Fromm, author of Sweet Survival: Tales of Cooking and Coping; Brad Fell, known for his work on Queer as Folk; Cathy Gigante-Brown, author of The El; essayist Branka Ruzak; novelist Karen Ritter; cookbook author T-Dawg Martin; plus special guests. Hosted by Louise Crawford.
How much: $10 suggested donation, which includes treats.

All About Bitters
When: Friday, December 19, 7:30pm
Where: Morbid Anatomy Museum, 424 3rd Avenue
What: Learn all about bitters with an expert during this event from the Gin Society. You’ll mix up two gin cocktails featuring the bitters, which are included in the price of admission. Cheers!
How much: $30 general; $20 for Gin Society & Morbid Anatomy members. Tickets available in advance.

Built By Animals
When: Friday, December 19, 11:30pm
Where: The Rock Shop, 249 4th Avenue
What: There are a couple of reasons we love the late shows here — first, sometimes you want to rock out after the stroller set has gone to bed; and second, you can grab cheap second-happy-hour tacos across the street at Oaxaca after the show. Win win. This Brooklyn-based band sounds like just the pre-taco thing.
How much: Free!

The Brooklyn Voices Of Vision
When: Saturday, December 20, 4pm
Where: Central Library, Dweck Center, 10 Grand Army Plaza
What: Voices of Vision, an a-cappella choir “dedicated to the preservation of the Negro Spiritual,” will present a free concert, performing secular and popular holiday music reflecting different faiths and cultures.
How much: Free!

Chris Gethard Fuckin Loves Weirdos
When: Saturday, December 20, 8pm
Where: Union Hall, 702 Union Street
What: We have a big soft spot for Chris Gethard, who’s been making us laugh with his deprecating comedy from his start at Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre through his great eponymous talk show, so we trust his taste in comedians, even if (or maybe because) they’re weirdos. Tonight’s show features Dan Licata, Elsa Waithe, Shannon O’Neill, Conner O’Malley, and BK Beefcakes — we don’t know what that is, but sounds kinda irresistible, no?
How much: $8, tickets available in advance.

Make Music Winter: Flat Foot Flatbush
When: Sunday, December 21, 1pm
Where: Begins at Central Library, 10 Grand Army Plaza
What: Join a parade of old-timey musicians for tunes, dancing, and singing down Flatbush Avenue. The day starts with a performance and lessons, then bluegrass musicians lead the way toward Barclays, with an after-party at the Jalopy Theater.
How much: Free!

Make Music Winter: Wheels
When: Sunday, December 21, 4pm
Where: Gather at Grand Army Plaza
What: Cyclists will travel in groups around most of the main loop of Prospect Park, following a score on bike bells that will be transmitted from the lead bike, using a helmet that’s embedded with lights. Bikes will come together and flow apart, performing music that works in groups and alone. It should be pretty fun to hear, whether or not you’re riding!
How much: Free!