Park Slope Parents Clothing Swap Looking for Volunteers

Is your ankle biter growing out of their clothes faster than the seating fills up at Talde? Well, box up those duds, and head over to the Park Slope Parents Clothing Swap on Saturday, April 13.

The event will take place at the Church of Gethsemane (1012 8th Avenue) from 4pm to 6pm (early clothing drop off starts at 3pm). Parents are invited to bring kids clothing, costumes, shoes, toys, gear, and maternity wear in good or better condition that you would like to swap. Any items remaining after the event will be donated.

Entry is $5 for Park Slope Parents members, and $10 for nonmembers.

In addition to swap participants, the group is looking for volunteers to help set up, sort clothing, direct swappers and clean up. Interested parties can sign up online, or email if you’re running into problems with the online form.

Let the spring cleaning begin!