Park Slope Food Coop Featured On French TV
Our very own Park Slope Food Coop (782 Union Street near 7th Avenue) appeared on French TV last weekend.
As first reported by Karma Brooklyn Blog, both the Park Slope and Windsor Terrace Food Coop are both featured in a 16-minute segment about “supermarkets that defy retail” on French television program Tout Compte Fait, which aired this past Saturday.
(Tout Compte Fait is translated as “All Things Considered.”)
The show opens up by spending about three minutes with volunteers and shoppers, including a French speaking customer, at the Windsor Terrace Food Coop on Caton Avenue and East 8th Street. It also pays a lengthy visit to the Park Slope Food Coop, where a coop member (and seemingly native French speaker) is interviewed about the benefits of membership.
Tout Compte Fait goes on to explore Satur Farms on Long Island’s North Fork (at around 12:55) with Windsor Terrace Co-op founder Jack O’Connell. Satur Farms is where “a lot of the greens sold at Windsor Terrace Food Coop are grown,” notes Karma Brooklyn.
The segments are interested in — and supportive of — our local alternatives to mass market food retailers.
Check it out! It’s really fun to watch.