Out Of State Plates Being Investigated By Iowa & NYC Authorities

Neighbors have noted that cars with out of state license plates–particularly Iowa plates–have been occupying lots of space in our area for a while now.

Recently, Cedar Rapids-based KCRG-TV9 took a look into our neighbors’ claims, and their local authorities suspect the plates might have to do with something more sinister than paying less on insurance. From their article:

The cars, with mostly Linn and Polk county plates could have a legitimate use, but they could also be part of criminal scheme, said Major Paul Steier with the Office of Motor Vehicle Enforcement.
“Human trafficking, drugs, you name it,” Steier said. “It’s still an active investigation.”

According to Steier, the Iowa DOT and Iowa Insurance Division are now collaborating with authorities in New York to address the issue. This is owed in part, the article says, to the efforts of Ditmas Park West neighbors including Joel Siegel, president of the Ditmas Park West Neighborhood Association, who wrote in May to the Iowa Insurance Division and other NY and IA agencies in order to get the problem resolved.

Agencies in Iowa are hoping to speak with our local police, but the coverage says Cedar Rapids paper The Gazette‘s phone calls to the 70th Precinct were not returned.