1 min read

Open Thread Mondays: Is The City Having A Sidewalk Crackdown?

A small number of readers have contacted us to complain that they have received fines from the city for damaged and cracked sidewalks, though some say the cracks are only minor and don’t present tripping hazards. We checked out one location ourselves, and it sure didn’t seem in need of major repairs that can cost homeowners thousands of dollars.

On East 14th Street and East 15th Street between Avenue X and Avenue Z, the past few weeks have seen just shy of a dozen homeowners undergo repairs to their sidewalks, with the air ringing of jackhammers as recently as today.

In times of economic distress, the city has previously been accused of pushing crackdowns for violations such as this, as the fines create revenue opportunities for the city. But when we asked local politicians if they’ve heard any complaints from constituents, or seen any indications of a crackdown, they all said no.

So we’re turning to our readers: have you heard about an uptick of sidewalk violations being issued on your block? Have you been fined or ordered to repair it yourself? Let us know in the comments!