Open Thread Mondays: Facebook Fail

I first received the above message on Friday morning. At first I didn’t even read it. I tried logging in again. And again.
But I never got there.
It was a real bummer. When I read the FAQ, it told me that I should refer to their Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. I referred, but I didn’t seem to be in violation of anything. So I filled out the appeal form.
I haven’t heard anything yet, and I don’t expect to for a while.
Until I know what’s going on, readers can still keep track of what we’re up to by connecting with our Facebook fan page. And, of course, there’s always our e-mail updates.
I hope this is a temporary solution, since I’d like to see our account restored. While a fan page is a fine alternative, the Facebook profile is more how I see the site and the relationship to our readers. We’re not just some object for you to “Like,” we’re a friend who you interact with, who updates you, who you chat with, and who invites you to events or sends you private messages.
You’re our buddies, and Facebook has cut us off from you without warning. Facebook Fail.