On May 19, Help Clean Up Coney Island Creek For “It’s My Park Day”

May 19 marks the return of “It’s My Park Day,” a day during which New Yorkers chip in to clean up their favorite parks and playgrounds.
Parks all over the city will get the beautification treatment including several local parks, such as Leon S. Kaiser Park at Neptune Avenue and Bayview Ave.
The Friends of Kaiser Park coordinated the community effort to pull out weeds and general park maintenance.
Volunteers needed for weeding around the Kaiser Park Oval, also known as the Mark Twain Oval and a beach cleanup by Coney Island Creek starting at 9 a.m.
Interested volunteers can meet at the park house at Neptune Avenue and West 29th Street.
Volunteers are asked to wear closed toe shoes or even boots for the creek cleanup. Volunteers who participate will get a community service certificate.
Following the work, there will be games and music.
Please contact the Friends of Kaiser Park for more information at (917) 873-9261. Also, for a list of all of the participating parks, check the NYC.Gov website.