Now’s The Time To Shovel For The Sake Of Your Neighbors (And Your Bank Account)

With 2014′s repeated cycles of sub-freezing temperatures and snow, walking around the neighborhood has been somewhat hazardous lately, especially if you come across stretches of unshoveled sidewalk like the above patch.

According to DSNY:

Every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant, or other person having charge of any lot or building must clean snow and/or ice from the sidewalk within 4 hours after the snow has stopped falling, or by 11am if the snow has stopped falling after 9pm the previous evening.

It gets really slick out there, especially after all of the trampled on snow freezes over, so if you’ve noticed a problem area that remains covered in snow and/or ice, it’s best to file a report with 311, either by telephone or online.

This week’s forecast is calling for another snowstorm Wednesday into Thursday, and with temps holding steady in the 20s and low 30s through Friday, this stuff isn’t going to melt on its own any time soon.

Taking preventative measures can save you from tickets and your neighbors from injury, so get shoveling, Kensington! It’s a pain, we know, but somebody really ticked off Mother Nature this year, and we’ve all got to do our bit. Sooner or later, summer will return and we can all go back to complaining about the smell of baking trash and dirty flip flop feet.

Photo by violinrose