Now Is The Time To See The Fall Bird Migration In Our Area

This is the time to see the twice yearly wonder of the journey of migratory birds.
The peak of the Fall bird migration season is now upon us, says the Prospect Park Alliance. The Park, which is located along the Atlantic Flyway, is designated an “Important Bird Area” by the National Audubon Society.
“Daylight is growing shorter. The crescendo of summer birdsong has quieted to a whisper. Bird populations are swollen in their ranks, and in northern forests, marathon migrators are fattening up, laying on fuel for phenomenal flights. Soon the mass exodus will be in full tilt, a movement of birds almost beyond imagination in sweep and scope.” — from “Fall Migration Hot Spots” in Audubon Magazine
Over 250 species of birds — including songbirds — are seen in Prospect Park each year, the Alliance says. Some of the best spots in the Park for bird watching include Lookout Hill, the Peninsula, the Ravine and the Lake, they add.
You can learn about migratory birds at the Park’s Audubon Center, which offers free bird watching activities throughout the year. Binoculars are provided!
Nature walks depart the Audubon Center on Thursdays and Fridays until the end of December. The Center also offers an introduction to bird watching through its Pop-Up Audubon program, which takes place on the weekends until the end of October. One of the program’s themes this month is Radical Raptors.
There are also a number of really neat bird walks through Prospect Park this Fall, led by the Brooklyn Bird Club.
And you can go birding on your own — the Brooklyn Bird Club provides some amazing recommended itineraries for Prospect Park. Try one of them out this month as these beautiful birds move through our area.