Now Closed: Dr. Ren-Bang Jan’s Office

Walking up Myrtle Avenue the other day, we noticed the gates down at local Dr. Ren-Bang Jan’s medical office. In addition to a “for rent” sign in the window, a letter to patients has been posted explaining Dr. Jan’s decision to retire, as well as his decision to refer patients to Dr. Andras Fenyves and Prominis Medical Group.

“Caring for you for so many years has been both personally and professionally very rewarding, and it is with mixed emotions that I am making this decision,” says Dr. Jan, who was affiliated with Long Island College Hospital and served Fort Greene and Clinton Hill for the past two decades. “I extend to you my best wishes for your future health and happiness.”

Another note in the window includes Prominis locations. Their addresses and phone numbers can be found here.

We wish Dr. Jan a happy retirement. As for 334, it is now for rent via Highline Residential‘s David Saba (978-621-5860).