Notes From The CB14 Monthly Meeting

Community Board 14 held its monthly meeting Monday night. The next monthly meeting will be Monday, February 10 at Edward R Murrow High School (E 17th Street between Avenues L and M), and the public is welcome to attend. Here’s what happened this month:
• District Manager Shawn Campbell says thanks to the hard work of people and organizations including Open Plans and Anya Hoyer, a map of local non profits will soon be available on the CB14 website.
• Board members voted to waive a bylaw stating that their board chair could only serve a certain number of terms, which means current Chairman Alvin Berk will be running for the position again.
• Chairman Berk said he attended a recent meeting of the Transition Committee for transportation, and that “a host” of initiatives are being pursued by Borough Hall to improve transportation safety in the new administration.
• Due to a conflict involving the Queens Traffic Precinct station house, the board is requesting that a new 70th Precinct house be included in the next Citywide Statement of Needs.
• For those who aren’t already aware, the Church Avenue BID has received $200,000 in state funding to continue their amazing work improving local storefronts. They were the only New York City organization to get the grant this year.
• District 45 Councilmember Jumaane Williams‘ representative Jacob Gold was on hand to announce a one-on-one mortgage counseling event, taking place at Williams’ district office (4517 Avenue D between E 45th and E 46th Streets) next Thursday, January 23. See more info here, and call 718-629-2900 to make an appointment.
• A new nominating CB14 committee has been appointed, and will meet on Wednesday, February 5, at the board’s district office at 6pm.