No More Jackie’s 5th Amendment: Pharmacy Expansion Complete

The transformation of the 5th Avenue bar Jackie’s 5th Amendment into an expanded section of the neighboring pharmacy is complete, and you can now purchase greeting cards and pick up penicillin where you could previously while away your night with a bucket of High Life.

Slope Drugs & Surgical Supply has opened the expanded version of its pharmacy at 406 5th Avenue, taking over the space that had been occupied by Jackie’s for decades (perhaps even since prohibition) until it closed in October. The awning has been removed, and the interior remodeled.

They’re still working on the space, and expect to have it fully assembled and stocked within the next couple weeks.

Slope Drugs & Surgical Supply is located at 406 5th Avenue at the corner of 7th Street. It’s open Monday-Friday 9am-7pm, and until 6pm on weekends.