No Mail, Subways Run Like It’s Saturday & More To Know This Presidents’ Day

This Monday, February 16 is Washington’s Birthday, also referred to these days as Presidents’ Day. In observance of the holiday, the city will see some changes to services. Here’s what you need to know:
Government Offices, Parking, And Sanitation
Government offices, including the Department of Motor Vehicles and courts, are closed on Monday.
NYC public schools are closed for Midwinter Recess, February 16 through February 20. Schools will reopen on Monday, February 23.
There is no regular mail delivery.
Alternate side parking regulations are suspended Friday and Saturday for snow removal, and Monday for the holiday. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect.
There is no garbage, recycling, or organics collection. If Monday is your regular garbage or organics collection day, put your garbage or organics out after 4pm Monday evening. If Monday is your regular recycling day, put your recycling out the following week.
All branches of the New York (Manhattan, Bronx, and Staten Island), Brooklyn, and Queens library systems are closed.
On Monday, New York City subways and buses will operate on a Saturday schedule (meaning no B train) with some planned subway service changes.
Staten Island Ferry service runs on a holiday schedule. Service will be provided every 30 minutes from 7am to 11pm.