Next Week: Join New York Rising For Open House On Post-Sandy Reconstruction & Resiliency

Source: NY Rising

Community members and business owners are invited to join New York Rising next week to learn about their state-sponsored reconstruction and resiliency plan for Bensonhurst and Gravesend. Attendees will be able to discuss the proposed program with New York Rising committee members and the project team, as well as brainstorm their own ideas.

The meeting will take place at the Block Institute, located at 133 27th Avenue, between Bath Avenue and Harway Avenue, on Wednesday, January 14, from 7-9pm.

As we’ve previously reported, over $3 million in state and federal grants has been earmarked to implement resiliency projects in our neighborhoods. There is also potential to receive additional funds through the Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Rising to the Top Competition, which is offering up to $3.5 million for the following three categories:

  • Inclusion of vulnerable populations
  • Use of green infrastructure
  • Regional approach

The meeting will include round table discussions on four key objectives:

  • Develop a comprehensive resiliency strategy on the waterfront.
  • Protect community from flooding during typical rain events.
  • Provide resiliency assistance and education for homeowners, renters, and business owners.
  • Develop a community coordinated response plan during times of extreme weather.

Translators in Spanish, Chinese, and Russian will be available for non-English speaking residents.

The New York Rising  is one of several storm recovery initiatives and was established to provide additional rebuilding and revitalization assistance to communities severely damaged by Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Irene, and Tropical Storm Lee. To learn more, visit the New York Rising website.