New Utrecht HS Is Bastion Of Tolerance & Diversity, Says Muslim American Teacher Featured In NYT

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Presidential contender Donald Trump has been making headlines lately for his hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric. From his suggestion that most Mexicans coming across the border are criminals and rapists, to his calling for a ban on all Muslim immigration, the GOP hopeful has refused to back down from his inflammatory remarks. Bafflingly enough, his poll numbers only continue to rise.

In a revealing response piece, The New York Times spoke to several Muslim Americans living and working in New York City to get their take on Trump’s fear mongering and to find out whether they encounter discrimination in their day-to-day lives.

Takhia Hussein, 30, a Brighton Beach resident and social studies teacher at New Utrecht High School, told the paper that the diversity at the Bensonhurst school creates an environment of tolerance.

On wearing a hijab at work, she told The Times:

“When my students get up to say the Pledge of Allegiance, I’m up there with them, pledging every single day. It’s devastating to think people are questioning our loyalty to a country that we love.
“I work in a very diverse school, so many of my students interact with Muslim students all day. I’ll be honest, they never have asked me, ‘Why do you wear the hijab?’ A lot of them are just like, ‘Oh they practice the Muslim faith. They wear it because of modesty.’

“I think I’m the only hijabi teacher in New Utrecht High School, and you know, some of them have asked me questions about my faith, but nothing I deemed inappropriate or made me feel uncomfortable.”

Well done, New Utrecht High! Read the rest of the feature here.