Renderings Of The Playground Coming To Sunset Park Next Summer

Early rendering of the playground. Courtesy of the Parks Department.

Construction on a brand new playground in Sunset Park has begun. Kids and parents alike should be excited for the fun new features coming to the park, which should be completed by April of 2017, according to the city’s Parks Department.

The playground will be built around the existing sets of swings, and designing several areas for specific age groups. Bucket swings will be maintained for toddlers, a tire swing will be installed in the preteen area, and more advanced playground equipment geared toward fitness for teens, according to the Parks Department.

In the center will be a common area with water spraying toys to run through on hot summer days. This water play area is open for all kids, but there will be distinct water spray “events” for certain ages, according to the Parks Department.

Tree being stripped for removal. Courtesy of Facebook/Sunset Parker.

Some Sunset Park residents were concerned over the removal of a tree during the construction of the playground, posting photos of the chopped limbs on the Facebook group Sunset Parker. The Parks Department said the tree wasn’t removed because of the playground plan, but it was found to be unhealthy and in poor condition when it was being pruned. According to the Parks Department, the tree will be replaced — though with how many is still unknown.

The $2,924,000 in funding is being poured into the playground, courtesy of Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council, according to the Parks Department website.

Who’s excited for this new playground? Check out these renderings and let us know what you think in the comments!

Early rendering of the playground. Courtesy of the Parks Department.
Early rendering of the playground. Courtesy of the Parks Department.
Early rendering of the playground. Courtesy of the Parks Department.
Early rendering of the playground. Courtesy of the Parks Department.