New Flood Maps Coming: Go To A Flood Insurance Review Workshop To Get Your Questions Answered And Save Money

Most people who live in areas affected by Superstorm Sandy recently received a letter from FEMA, notifying homeowners that preliminary flood hazard maps are in the works – and will soon mean a significant increase in flood insurance. But the letter is clear as mud, and some can’t tell if flood insurance is mandatory, if increases are definite, or whether or not they can appeal the government’s determination of their risk.
Thankfully, three workshops this week and in early May will provide hands-on, one-on-one reviews of your homeowners insurance and flood insurance options as it relates to the proposed maps. We recently sat through a presentation by the organizer, Elizabeth Malone of the Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, and it was the clearest explanation we’ve heard yet of the flood map’s history, its implications, and homeowners’ options.
Here are the dates and locations:
- Thursday, April 23 – Sheepshead Bay Library – 2636 East 14th Street, near Sheepshead Bay Road, 6-8pm
- Monday, May 4 – Kings Bay Y Annex – 2801 Emmons Avenue, near East 29th Street – 6-8pm
- Wednesday, May 6 – Kings Bay Y Annex – 2801 Emmons Avenue, near East 29th Street – 6-8pm
There’s limited seating, so be sure to RSVP at or (212) 519-2571.