Neighbors Organizing a Community-Supported Vegetarian Restaurant

Neighbors Danny Rosenthal and Jean Davis recently put out a call on the Flatbush Family Network for people interested in exploring the idea of opening a vegetarian restaurant in Ditmas Park. The pair doesn’t have restaurant experience, but they have vegetarian experience, and they’re hoping that neighbors will invest in the idea. The Brooklyn Paper explains:

By organizing the community around his restaurant, Rosenthal, who has done community organizing and now works as a consultant for non-profits, may even find a much-needed source of initial capital. He is considering selling shares of the eatery to neighbors for $500 or $1000 apiece.

This would not be the first business in Ditmas Park to offer shares, of course – for Vox Pop, the idea did not go very well, unfortunately.

If you’re interested in learning more or getting involved, the couple is hosting a meeting next week, on Monday, January 14 at 7pm at 757 E 19th St. For more info, contact Danny at