Neighbor's New Video Explains Sycamores, London Plane Trees & Shedding Bark

Ever wondered exactly what kind of trees line the streets of Ditmas Park, or why they shed so much right around now? Neighbor Nick Kozak sure has, and has just released a new video revealing the product of his research into the issue.

First, he explains, the vast majority of trees you see in our neighborhood are London Plane trees — not Sycamores, as the bar name may have led you to believe. Nick talks about the differences between the two (you’ll see why I think the tree pictured is actually a Sycamore), some other heavily London Plane tree-populated areas around NYC, and a few theories about the whole bark shedding thing.

If you have a couple of minutes to spare today, check the video out — it’s funny, it’s got a good soundtrack, and afterwards, you’ll be able to correct your botanically-challenged fellow drinkers while sitting at Sycamore.

Photo via ditmasparkcorner