Neighbors Helping Neighbors: South Slope Fundraising Projects

If you’ve been trying to find a worthwhile project to support, look no further than some of the schools and organizations right here in our own neighborhood.

Art Supplies for PS 10 2nd Graders

Remember all of those elementary school art projects that your mom has stashed in an attic somewhere? PS 10’s Ms. Glembocki wants her second graders to have all the supplies they need to create masterpieces of their own, and has developed a Donors Choose project to stock up on their arts and crafts materials.
Goal: The class has raised $11.77 of its $452.25 goal.
For more information or to make a donation, visit Ms. Glembocki’s Donors Choose page.

We Know Not Exactly Where or How Exhibit at Open Source Gallery

There are only three days left to help fund the next Open Source Gallery art instillation! The exhibit will convert Open Source into a public park and temporary outdoor stage, complete with free performances and events throughout the project.
Goal: Open Source has raised $1,792 or its $3,000 goal.
For more information or to make a donation, visit the group’s Kickstarter page.

School Supplies for Peter Rouget 7th Graders

Mr. Seymour, a 7th grade teacher at J.H.S. 88 Peter Rouget, would love to help his students start the school year off on the right foot. Many of his kids do not have the extra funds required to continuously replenish school supplies throughout the year, so Mr. Seymour has developed a Donors Choose project that, once funded, will make those supplies available to students there in the classroom.
Goal: The project has raised $30.59 of $385.06 goal.
For more information or to make a donation, visit the Mr. Seymour’s Donors Choose page.

Have a fundraising project that you’d like to share with the neighborhood? Email and we’ll post the details on the site.