Neighborly Neighbors: Marly Medard

Neighborly Neighbors is a series of posts in which we stop random people, ask them a few random questions, take their picture and posts the results here.
Marly Medard
17 years old
We met Marly near the Barclays Center, reading a book on a hot summer day.
Are you from around here?
Yeah, I live in Fort Greene.
Have you been in Fort Greene your whole life?
I moved here with my family 8 to 9 years ago.
What’s your favorite part about this neighborhood?
I really like the commercial area here.
Are you a student?
Yes, I’m going to Adelphi College in the fall. I’m planning to study chemistry.
Why chemistry?
I want to have my own lab — I want to get into the makeup industry.
How long have you been interested in creating makeup products?
I’ve been interested for about 4 or 5 years. Basically I want to learn how to make better makeup products. I have sensitive skin, so I’m very picky about what I like to put on my skin — where it comes from, what’s in it, and the quality of the product.
So do you hope to make makeup products specifically geared toward people with sensitive skin?
Not exclusively. I’d like to have some products for sensitive skin, but I’d also like to make more general products for all skin types.
Does Adelphi have a chemistry program that caters to students looking to go into cosmetics?
No, but I’m going to sort of find my own path.