Neighborhood Fencer To Compete in the Olympics (Touché!)

photo credit: Nicole Jomantas via U.S.A. Fencing

19-year-old Park Sloper Race Imboden, who, among other triumphs, has one of the best names ever, is headed to the Olympics to compete for the US fencing team in men’s foil, says the Brooklyn Eagle.

“Fencing has always been a European thing and the European guys have dominated,” Imboden said in a recent interveiw. “But now the U.S. is starting to be in the mix of guys who are top competitors in the world. Being so young, I want to show people that Americans can mix with these guys, individually and [as] a team.”

Certainly, we’ll be watching. (Assuming we can find a channel broadcasting — the Eagle tactfully points out that the fencing scene is “somewhat underappreciated” on this side of the Atlantic.)