Neighborhood Elementary School Tours On The Horizon

It’s hard to believe, but if you’re a prospective Pre-K or Kindergarten parent (your friendly South Slope News editor raises her hand), it’s already time to start thinking about those 2014-2015 elementary schools. If you’d like to take a behind the scenes look at our area schools, here’s a breakdown of upcoming tour schedules:
P.S. 10
When: November 15, December 13, January, 3, February 14, March 14, April 10, and May 16 at 9am
Where: 511 7th Avenue, between 7th and 8th Avenue
Details: Have you had dreams of shaking your groove thing in the P.S. 10 flash mob? To secure a tour spot, fill out the online questionnaire and pick a date from the drop down menu. Tours begin promptly at 9am and last 1.5 hours. The site notes that it’s best to leave small children at home, as strollers are not permitted above the first floor. For more information, contact Parent Coordinator Madeline Seide at 718-965-1190, ext 2132, or by email at
P.S. 124
When: November 20, December 18, and January 22 from 9:30am to 11am
Where: 515 4th Avenue, between 13th and 14th Street
Details: If you’ve always looked at P.S. 124 as an afterthought school in District 15, you might want to take a second look. A new and involved PTA, and an extraordinarily warm and dedicated staff is working hard to change their neighborhood image. If you’d like to attend one of their upcoming tour dates, reach out to Parent Coordinator Donna Maxil by filling out the school’s online form, emailing, or by calling 718-788-0246.
P.S. 295
When: January 14, February 4, and March 4 at 9am
Where: 330 18th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenue
Details: P.S. 295, whose weekly farmers market has been making waves across the neighborhood, will begin their open house sessions, which consist of a presentation and guided tour of the campus, in January. No registration is required. For more information, contact Parent Coordinator Shari Fields by emailing, or by calling 718-965-0390, ext 4105.
P.S. 107
When: January 14 and February 13 at 9am
Where: 1301 8th Avenue, between 13th and 14th Street
Details: P.S. 107 is known for an involved PTA base, and in addition to a solid academic foundation, students enjoy a number of integrated arts activities, their sunshine garden, and weekly gym classes across the street at the Armory. Like P.S. 295, no registration is required for the 2014 tours. For more information, contact Parent Coordinator Heather Damon by emailing, or by calling 718-499-2054, ext 1031