A Neighbor Considers The Pros & Cons Of Filming In Brownstone Brooklyn

When it comes to their feelings on filming in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill, neighbors haven’t been shy with us–or any other outlets. While over 40% of respondents to a recent poll on our site indicated locals’ thorough discontentment with area shoots, more than half of poll respondents were split between being barely aware of filming, being on the fence about filming, and being enthusiastically for filming in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill. Now, area resident Michael Randazzo has taken a closer look at the costs and benefits of nearby film shoots.
In his article When Filming In Brooklyn is Too Much of a Good Thing, Michael considers the actions taken by both neighbors and crews during recent shoots for The Following, and the consequences of ongoing filming across the borough.
Michael, as well as interviewees including neighbors, community leaders, Councilmember Laurie Cumbo, and Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting Press Secretary and Communications Manager Marybeth Ihle, speak of the frustrations brought on by regular filming on residential blocks, and how the film industry benefits NYC–taking on topics from donations by production companies, to posting “No Parking” signs far enough ahead of time (hint: they should be up 48 hours before shoots!), to what constitutes enough filming for a moratorium to be put in place, and beyond.
You can check out the entirety of Michael’s excellent take on film-related concerns in brownstone Brooklyn here.