Need A Trash Can On Your Block? Request One From The DSNY

UPDATE 2/26: Our local DSNY district heard your suggestions, but unfortunately it looks like most of them are not eligible locations for receptacles. Community Board 14 let us know that they’ll be happy to help with your ideas, and will be a better resource between neighbors and DSNY than the 311 site, so please reach out to them at or 718-859-6357.

EARLIER: Now that the ice on our sidewalks is pretty much all melted, some big concerns that remain are litter and piles of dog waste. Readers brought up the doo issue even in a discussion about ice removal, and neighbor Jo suggested petitioning for more trash cans might be one way to help, ahem, curb the problem.

Why not, right? On the few occasions we’ve walked friends’ dogs around the ‘hood, we have been surprised by how long it takes to reach a receptacle. It might not eradicate the issue entirely, but it could certainly help–and for other litter, too.

If you’d like a garbage can placed on a local corner, you can request one through the Department of Sanitation or by calling the New York City Citizen Service Center via 311. And if you’d like to suggest a specific intersection at which you think a trash can would be useful to many others in the area, please do so in the comments.