Nearly 200 Families Fed & 8 Days To Go Until Thanksgiving!

We are hugely thankful and humbled for all 89 of our neighbors’ contributions to our and CAMBA‘s 500 Turkeys for 500 Families Thanksgiving Food Drive–thanks to all of you, 184 families will have a proper Thanksgiving dinner this year. However, we’ve still got a little over a week to go, and our ultimate goal is over twice the $4,616 that’s been raised so far.

We know sometimes there are limited resources to go around, but every $25 (that’s two movie tickets instead of a night in with Netflix, or three cocktails and tips at a neighborhood bar) feeds a family of six–and CAMBA is able to stretch a dollar further than you, or anyone you could hand money on the street, could in a grocery store. If you are able to offer some of your good fortune to others, now is the time.

To our neighbors who have contributed already, thank you for giving up some of your own resources to help other Brooklynites have a wonderful holiday experience. For anyone who’s considered contributing but hasn’t gotten around to it yet, please take a moment to think about how it feels to sit around a well-stocked table with the ones you love, and decide if contributing is right for you.

Photo by 19melissa68