It’s National Dog Day, So We Interviewed Leroy Brown

Happy National Dog Day! You may not know it, but Wednesday, August 26 is this year’s day to celebrate all things canine. In honor of this special day, we want to introduce you to one of our neighbors. You may have seen him running around Prospect Park, but in case you’re not acquainted, we took some time to meet with this handsome gent. Our guest was nice enough to bring along Patti Darwin, his doggie parent.
SSN: Thanks for taking some time to talk with us. So what’s your name?
Leroy Brown: Leroy Brown.
SSN: Nice to meet you. I have to say your name begs the question…
LB: Some indeed may call me the baddest pup in the whole damn Slope.
Patti Darwin, doggie parent: I’m not sure if I agree with that. I like to say the cutest dog.
LB: As you can see, Mom and I can have differing opinions. But she’s awesome in my book.
SSN: So how old are you? And tell us your breed.
LB: I’m nine years young. Please don’t do the dog years calculations. And I’m a Jack Russell Pug Mix, aka Jug.
SSN: Any big plans for National Dog Day?
LB: Hmmm. I’m hopeful for a long walk and really good bone!

SSN: So, I hear you hang out in Prospect Park. What’s your favorite thing to do?
LB: Well admittedly, I am not a huge fan of the dog run, so I like to just hang with my Mom on long walks and enjoy some grass!
SSN: Have you made any good friends there?
LB: I really miss my friends Sammy and Georgia. They used to live in South Slope but they are in Manhattan now!
SSN: Traitors! Well, I bet you have a busy social life.
LB: My mom keeps my calendar organized. I’m not the best at typing. We like to get out of the city in the summer — my good friend Frank has a lake house that I enjoy quite a lot!
SSN: Would you be okay sharing a secret now that Patti stepped out of the room for a moment?
LB: Oh sure! Don’t tell her I said so but I have her wrapped around my little paw. I can get away with just about anything, though I am a good boy most of the time.
SSN: Ssh, she’s coming back. Beyond a celebration of all things canine, do you ever get a little philosophical about National Dog Day?
LB: I think it’s important to remember how many dogs there are out there in need of a home! If you are thinking about a getting a dog remember, adopt don’t shop! Some great organizations include Barc Shelter, The Sato Project, and Sugar Mutts Rescue.
SSN: That’s good information, Leroy Brown. And it’s been great to speak with you. I should let you and Patti head to the park.
LB: Would you do a favor for me? It’s National Dog Day, after all.
SSN: I’d be happy to.
LB: Would you end with the song?
SSN: Here you go. So long, Leroy Brown!
Looking for a way to celebrate National Dog Day? Here are 20 ideas to get you started!
Interested in having your pet interviewed? Whether it’s a dog, cat, snake, or something else, we’d like to talk to them if the are excited in sharing some tales. Email us at