MTA Holds Public Hearing: January 28

(NYCTA Brooklyn Bus Map – September 2008)
Senator Marty Golden would like local residents to attend a Public Hearing on January 28, 2009 to discuss the MTA proposals and service cuts. There was talk in the neighborhood about the B2 and B31 proposed changes last month, but the proposals include more lines than those two.
The MTA is also planning on eliminating weekend service on the X27 and X28 Express Bus lines. There will also be serious cuts to the B4, B7, B16, B24, B48, B57, B65, B69, B71, and B75 bus lines.
These changes will have far-reaching effects for many South Brooklyn communities (including Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Coney Island, Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bay Ridge, Brighton Beach, Marine Park, and Madison) and everyone is encouraged to attend the public hearing.
Justification for these cuts usually comes, in part, from Metrocard swipes. Before the MTA makes changes that will cut the options for so many South Brooklynites, I think that we we need to have some answers to our questions.
Exactly how many people do take these bus routes during the proposed service cut times? Let’s see the data.
Are these figures used to determine these cuts accurate, or is there some possible computer glitch tainting the figures? I just find it so difficult to believe that there are not a lot of people using these bus lines.
Are the MTA and the city making plans to encourage yellow taxi cabs to come to Brooklyn to help supplement to lack of bus service?
What remaining transportation options are there for those who do depend on the threatened service? Are there any alternate plans in place for those unfortunate commuters?
Here are the meeting details:
What: M.T.A. Public Hearing
When: Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Where: New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge
333 Adams Street, Brooklyn
Readers, if you are one of those who depends on this service and can’t find any other mass transit alternative, we’d like to hear about your real life situation.