Morning Mug: “Cherry Blossoms in Sheeps!”

Hooray for Morning Mug contributors who send me lots of cool info about the photo they have submitted, including a fun title for the post. Double hooray and kudos for trying to get readers involved!
From the photographer:
We traveled to Washington DC earlier this month to catch the lovely cherry blossom trees but weather kept the blossoms shut and we didn’t see one blossom.
Today [Ed. — Sunday, April 14] while walking around Sheepshead I learned there was no need to get on the Amtrak to get my cherry blossom fill, simply walking around our neighborhood will do.
Picture taken on East 18th st near Voorhies
[Ed. — She sent us a second email, below:]
I forgot to add – if you happen to post this on Sheepshead Bites would you be able to ask readers where they have spotted cherry blossom trees around Sheepshead? I’ve got the day off tomorrow and I’d love to walk around and get some more shots.
Hopefully she has another day off coming to her…
Photo by Samantha Diaz