Met Council Helps Those In Need Celebrate Passover With Free Food Packages

Source: Met Council

The Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty helped 600 needy families celebrate the Passover holiday with free kosher food packages yesterday.

Reps from the organization doled out the kosher meals at the Bensonhurst COJO Sephardic Nursing Center at 2266 Cropsey Avenue.

“For most of us, Passover is a time for festive family seders. But for too many of New York’s Jewish needy, the festival of our freedom is, ironically, just the opposite – yet another painful reminder of the oppression of poverty,” said David M. Frankel, CEO and executive director of Met Council, in a statement.

The event was part of a citywide Met Council initiative, in which they distributed an estimated 2.1 million pounds of food ahead of the holiday, helping a total of 50,000 families in need.

The packages included holiday staples such as matzah, tuna fish, gefilte fish, carrots, potatoes and apple sauce.