Mermaid’s Garden Community Supported Fishery Comes to Sycamore

Mermaid’s Garden is establishing a pick up location at Sycamore this month. The Community Supported Fishery will be hosted every Wednesday from 5-7pm starting January 23.

Here’s how Mermaid Garden’s CSF delivers “super fresh, sustainable fish”:

A CSF is a model that connects fish eaters to fishermen. Participants commit to an agreed upon season (4 weeks), during which they receive regular “shares” of fresh fish. CSF’s seek to reconnect coastal communities to their food system, promote sustainable fishing practices, and strengthen relationships between fishermen and the people they feed.
All of the fish offered in the CSF is traceable back to the boat it was caught on, the fisherman who caught it and the catch method that was used. The Mermaid’s Garden CSF offers higher quality, value and transparency than traditional retail models.

It will be very interesting to see what the scene will be like at Syacmore while this is going on. If you’re interested, you can learn more and sign up here.

Photo: Buckwheat blini with Anna Maria caviar from Mermaid’s Garden