1 min read

Meetings! Meetings! More Meetings!

There are two meetings tonight that people should definitely check out.

The Sheepshead Bay / Plumb Beach Civic Association is getting together at the Baron DeKalb – Knights of Columbus at 3000 Emmons Avenue to discuss, among other things, their Memorial Day parade. I’m sure they’ll be looking for volunteers. Honor our fallen soldiers and attend the meeting to see how you can help! (7:30 p.m.)

Bay Improvement Group is having their second to last meeting before their May 16 BayFest celebration. This is a massive festival and they’re always in need of helpers. Come to this meeting and get acquainted with the crew behind-the-scenes, and find out how to lend a hand. The meeting is being held at the Golden Gate Inn (3867 Shore Parkway) at 8:00 p.m.