Meet The New Applewood Piglets!

In too-cute-to-resist news, Applewood Farm, the two-acre farm in East Chatham, NY, run by Applewood restaurant owners Dave and Laura Shea, today welcomed a new litter of piglets!

Dave and Laura had to miss the birth, as they left on a previously-booked vacation, which, they learned too late, was not well timed. They explained that they thought their mama pig had conceived back in March:
If you know the exact date of conception, then you know the exact date of birth. Pig gestation is always three months, three weeks, and three days.
They are like the pound cake of the animal world…
…But, apparently we were VERY wrong about the date of conception. As it turns out, pigs don’t get pregnant just because they’ve been porked, as it were. As with humans, it takes as many tries as it takes. In Bubble’s case, it took at least a month; perhaps longer.

So off they went on vacation, and they certainly didn’t need to worry, as our local SSN contributors Christine and Jeff Bush have shown — they sent us these photos from the farm of the eleven piglets born last night.
Congrats to pig parents Bubble and Squeak!
Photos by Christine and Jeff Bush