Meet Romana, South Slope Cat of the Week

South Slope dogs are awfully cute, but they get a lot of attention when out walking their owners around the neighborhood. While it’s true that cats don’t get out as much and can be a little snarky at times, our feline friends deserve a little love, too.
That’s why we’ve decided to get to know our community cats, one fur kid at a time, starting with today’s guest, Romana the Tabby.
Favorite place to sleep: On top of the bookshelf in the man’s office. It’s right by a window, and the short, loud human they call Henry can’t reach me.
Favorite activity: Cuddling and relaxing rubs behind the ears, but don’t tell the humans I said so. I wouldn’t want to appear weak.
Favorite place for a scratch: Gotta be right behind the ears. Heaven. On. Earth…..seriously, though, this is off the record, right?
Favorite toy: I assume you’re referring to the little springy things by my bed. They’re more than a toy, girl. They’re a challenge. No matter how quietly I sneak up on the blasted things, they bounce away on contact. I’m just biding my time, springy things. You will be mine.
Biggest Pet Peeves: When the short human chases after me and shouts, “Kiiittttyyyy.” I swear, they need to get a priest in here or something because the kid sounds possessed.
Have a cat that is destined for the spotlight? Send a photo to with a description of your feline friend and we’ll feature them on the site.