Maria Newsom-Fahey Helps Green Ditmas Park, One Street At A Time

It seems like neighbor Maria Newsom-Fahey never stops working to clean up Ditmas Park, often inspiring other residents to do the same. This time, with the Gulf station on the corner of Coney Island and Foster Aves, she succeeded in making a pocket of Ditmas a little more beautiful once again. Donald Loggins writes:

After Maria Fahey wrote to Gulf management they planted small shrubs and put in mulch in the raised bed on the corner of their gas station. Another victory for neighborhood activism.

Previous projects of Maria’s include getting guards installed and caring for newly-planted trees along CIA, cleaning E 9th St. with a little help from her friends, and a special tree pit cleanup on the same block.

Maria got a lot of support from neighbors to tidy up E 9th, which she says was as easy as letting them know about the event with flyers. What are you doing to clean up your part of Ditmas, and how are you getting others involved?