Manhattan Beach’s Pizza Boulevard Up For Sale

Pizza Boulevard (Source: Google Maps)

Any alum of Leon M. Goldstein High School (née Kingsborough High School, in my day) has a special place in their heart for Pizza Boulevard at 1623 Oriental Boulevard in Manhattan Beach.

Located across the street from the front gates of the Kingsborough campus, in which Goldstein High School sits, it was a beacon of freedom and food. It meant, at long last, you were out of class and done for the day (or simply, y’know, cutting) – and also a good distance away from the cafeteria’s mutant fried-fish-with-American-cheese-baked-underneath-the-crust culinary atrocity.

Man, I could go on about the memories about that place. Some would tarnish my good mediocre name. Others would confirm every bit of what Manhattan Beach residents fear happens on that corner.

Let’s not stir that pot today.

Pizza Boulevard – the business – is for sale. Ben Bay Realty has the listing for $579,000, describing it as a “well established successful 1, 134 Sq. ft + full Basement, corner Pizzeria near a major NYC college and High School.”

It has 19 years left on the lease, at $5,300 month plus five percent increases each year, as well as 12 percent of the total taxes and insurance. It claims to seat 34 and have outdoor seating for 24, though it never felt like that.

Quite frankly, I’m a little curious about why such a long-lived and successful pizzeria in a key location is up for sale, and, to my untrained eye, half a million dollars doesn’t sound too bad.

What do you think?