Magic Beans Take Root on East 19 St?

Over in Bedford-Stuyvesant, when wildflowers are spotted, it’s internet news. Here in Sheepshead Bay, news is made when we spot an interesting front lawn or backyard vegetable garden.

This time, though, it’s not really a vegetable garden. The growth catching our attention is more like a beanstalk — a giant beanstalk of the the fairy tale variety, that is.

We’re wondering if the kid who threw those special beans into his mother’s front yard on East 19 Street (near Avenue Z) is Jack of Jack and the Beanstalk or of Jack and the Giant-Killer Project. Whichever tale it is, we sure hope that it ends in the traditional way. The headline for that followup story is already written: “Sheepshead Bay Beanstalk Trails To A Golden-Egged Goose!” — or, on second thought, we just might not share that story with you.

[Disclaimer: No horticultural knowledge was applied to this story, because as in the case of the eerily similar, but still unidentified subway track trailer — the variety of this plant is, also, unknown.]