Looking for a Special V-Day Cocktail? Try Sidecar’s Cupido

Lily Pollak, drink slinger extraordinaire behind the bar at Sidecar (560 5th Ave), knew she wanted to serve something special for Valentine’s Day, so she started experimenting.

“We were trying to think of something that would be pink,” she told us, “so initially I thought, Aperol, which is pink in color, and then we had some leftover pisco that I needed to get rid of, and I just started playing with it, and putting it together, and thought a pisco sour with Aperol in it might be really good.”

Lily, who has been with Sidecar for almost two years now, has definitely come up with a winning combination in her signature Cupido. Check it out in the video below:

In addition to their regular menu, Sidecar will be offering appetizer and entree specials on Thursday night, so stop by, give Lily’s Cupido a spin, and let us know what you think!

Video produced for South Slope News by Jeff Bush