Long Meadow Ballfields Closed This Winter For Revitalization

To help renew the fields from heavy use over the past year, Prospect Park will close the Long Meadow Ballfields to the public this winter.

Starting this past Friday, September 19, fencing went up around the area to help it recuperate for the spring season. Organized sports on the fields must have permits through November 30, then from December 1 until Opening Day on April 11, 2015, the Ballfields will be fully closed to the public to allow the fields to rest and to perform maintenance work.

We’re told the fence will only be around the ballfields, and should not impede on the rest of the Long Meadow much — so dog owners who rely on this area during off-leash hours, for instance, should still have a good amount of space.

“The work that will take place over the winter season is important to ensure that the Ballfields are in peak condition for the next baseball season,” said Christian Zimmerman, vice president of Capital and Landscape Management at the Prospect Park Alliance. “In the winter months, the fields can get damaged from use during harsh weather conditions. This critical rest period, which will include reseeding the lawn, will make for a great spring season.”

The Alliance says it worked closely with local baseball, softball, and soccer leagues to ensure community interests were met.

Funding from Council Members Brad Lander and Stephen Levin, former Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, and the City Council’s Brooklyn delegation will aid the reconstruction, as well as repairs and improvements to the storm-water system in the Long Meadow and drainage in the athletic areas.