Local Cop, Son Of Famous Singing Barber, Saves Drowning Teen During Florida Vacation

Source: Albert Mammon

A hero never really takes a vacation. Case in point?

Albert Mammon, an officer with the NYPD’s 60th Precinct, who became a local celebrity in Bal Harbour, Florida, when he saved a teen’s life while hanging out on the beach. Mammon was taking in some sun on the South Florida coast on Sunday, February 22. At approximately 3pm, he heard screaming from the ocean.

“So I went out this way, and I was going out this way, I observed the kid was over there and then I just sprinted right into the water as I was going. That’s exactly what I did,” Mammon told a local television station.

Mr. Figaro Unisex Hairstyling after the 2010 renovation.

Mammon dove in, and when he got back to sand he had 17-year-old Christoper Tran safely in tow. Tran had struggled in a patch of rough water, which also nearly took out Mammon.

“I thought it was really nice and very brave, like, I mean, he saved someone’s life, and the poor kid is young, too, so he really helped a lot,” witness Stephanie Rodriguez told the station.

Mammon was summoned back to the beach on Monday, where Bal Harbour Police Chief Mark Overton joined him to express the department’s gratitude.

“Kudos to you and your department, and I am formally going to be sending a letter. We thank God also that he was at the right place at the right time,” Overton said.

If Mammon’s name sounds familiar to Sheepshead Bay residents, it should. He’s the son of legendary singing stylist Mr. Figaro. A Borscht Belt performer turned hairstylist, Mr. Figaro – a.k.a. Jerry May – opened his storefront at 1919 Avenue Z in 1977. He stopped cutting hair after a stroke in 2010. Al then renovated the shop, hoping to give his old man a place to hold court while younger folks trimmed hair – the shop was ultimately sold to new owners, but still bears Mr. Figaro’s moniker.

Here they are, father and son:

Source: Albert Mammon