Let’s Go Mets: Parachute Jump Goes Orange & Blue

Courtesy of Luna Park

The New York Mets are lighting up the baseball field, and to honor and support their post-season efforts, Coney Island’s Parachute Jump will be ablaze in orange and blue lights spelling out “Go Mets” from top to bottom.

Called the “Eiffel Tower of Brooklyn,” the Parachute Jump (1000 Surf Avenue) is an open-frame steel structure that looms 250 feet high over the Coney Island boardwalk and was once an iconic Coney Island attraction. While the jump is no longer in operation, the operators of Luna Park often show support for different organizations with a light show.

In September, the Parachute Jump went gold to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Now, appropriately, the New York Mets are being celebrated with a spectacular lighting throughout the play-off season, every evening starting at 6pm — until they win the World Series!