Learn How to Care for Young Street Trees on Monday

After several new trees were planted along Coney Island Avenue last summer, many started to suffer and didn’t look too healthy. To help care for some of the trees in the area by PS 217, neighbor Maria Newsom-Fahey has arranged a meeting with Roy Martin, Brooklyn Outreach Coordinator at MillionTreesNYC, on Monday, February 25 at 9am:

Agenda includes: a walking tour of the newly replanted street trees in need, followed by a strategy session to support them (i.e. identify nearby water sources, identify volunteers willing to sign-up for a summer watering schedule, secure free mulch sources etc…)

Anyone interested in helping support these trees should meet on the corner of Coney Island and Newkirk Avenues, just outside the PS 217 schoolyard, promptly at 9am.

If you’re not able to attend this meeting but are still interested in helping, email Maria at marianewsomfahey@yahoo.com.