Latest NYPD Stats Show Crime Drop In 62nd Compared To 2015

Reported crimes in the 62nd Precinct are down, with few exceptions, relative to the same point last year.
According to the latest statistics released by the NYPD, almost all crime categories — murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, auto grand larceny, mass transit, misdemeanor assault, and shooting incidents — have shown a drop relative to the same point last year. (See NYPD table below.)

There have been no reported murders thus far in the 62nd Precinct; last year there was one by September 4th.
The number of shooting incidents dropped from 2 by early September last year to 1 in 2016.
The two exceptions to this very positive trend are misdemeanor sex crimes, which jumped from 17 at this point last year to 28 so far in 2016; the number of petit larceny incidents has jumped from 612 to 652 as of September 4th.

According to the NYPD, New York City experienced its safest summer – in overall crimes reported – in the entire Compstat-era that began in 1994. There were 1,610 fewer crimes reported during the months of June, July and August 2016, or a 5 percent decrease, compared with the same period in 2015.
This also marks a 73 percent decrease, or 73,463 fewer crimes across New York City, compared with the same period in 1994 – the initial year Compstat was implemented, the NYPD said.