Late Nights: No G Trains Between Hoyt-Schermerhorn And Church

There’s bad news for late-night G train riders again this week, but let’s focus on the positive for a moment: The Smith/9th Street F/G station is scheduled to finally reopen on Friday!
And now, back to this week’s service changes:
No G trains between Hoyt-Schermerhorn and Church Av
Late Nights, 11pm to 5am, Monday to Friday, until May 24
Service operates in two sections:
1. Between Court Sq and Bedford-Nostrand Avs
2. Between Bedford-Nostrand Avs and Hoyt-Schermerhorn
No G service at Bergen, Carroll Sts, 4 Av-9 St, 7 Av, 15 St-Prospect Park, Fort Hamilton Pkwy, and Church Av. Take the F instead.
• Transfer between G trains at Bedford-Nostrand Avs.
• Transfer between A and G trains at Hoyt-Schermerhorn.
• Transfer between A and F trains at Jay St-MetroTech.
Sometimes even planned changes get rescheduled. Check for the most current information.