Last Minute DIY Halloween Costumes…For Your Pets

Dusty and his roommate AJ dressed to impress in skeleton costumes at the 2nd Annual Howl-o-Ween Costume Bash in Prospect Park. Photo via Park Slope for Pets.

Happy Halloween, Park Slope!

Over the past week, we’ve been scampering around Brooklyn scouting the most adorable Howl-o-ween costumes, and we saw some serious creativity by local pet owners. Inspired by these costumes, we put together a list of last-minute, do-it-yourself ideas for your best friend. Most of what you need can be found at home but, if not, a quick trip to DII (445 5th Avenue) or Save on Fifth (421 5th Avenue) should do the trick!

Let’s start with two classic costumes.

Ushki, a 3-year-old Scottish Fold, plans the best way to dispose of his mummy costume. Humans, pfft. Photo via Park Slope for Pets.

Get Mummified

A mummy costume is easy to put together because all you really need is toilet paper and tape. (We just hope you have that extra roll of toilet paper.) The costume will look even more authentic when your pet tries to rip it off. Keep the roll nearby for touch-ups.

Toga! Toga! Toga!

Bring on the toga party. Wrap a sheet, or pillow case, around your pet and be sure to tie or cut the sheet so that it’s not causing your pet to trip. Use pipe cleaners or straws to make a crown and glue on colorful autumn leaves to make it beautiful.

Just out of her bath, Marlee, a 9-year-old English setter, wanted to go outside and enjoy the nice weather we’re having rather than go to the office. Photo via Park Slope for Pets.

Splashing Around

Grab a bath towel, shower cap, and loofa for one hilarious just-out-of-the-tub look. If you have kids, throw in one of their bath toys! Wrap the towel (a dish towel will work better for cats or smaller dogs) around your pet for a snug fit, leaving his or her legs free, and either tie or tuck in the ends to make it stay. Tie the loofa to his or her collar and put on the shower cap. Looks like somebody was caught coming out of the bath. Oops!

Conjoined Twins

With this costume, you get double the cuteness. Find a stuffed animal similar to your pet. We scouted DII, where you can pick up a stuffed pug, Chihuahua, golden retriever, or a pink and white cat. Cut off the head and tie it to your pet’s collar so that it’s upright next to his or her head. Throw on a sweater or T-shirt like it’s just a normal day out in the neighborhood…with your two-headed, four-legged friend.

Party Time

Buy some streamers, small balloons, sunglasses, and maybe some red solo cups to transform your pet into a party animal! Put an old t-shirt on your pet and wrap the streamers around your pup like in the mummy costume above. Blow up and tape or pin the small balloons and solo cups to the t-shirt and add sunglasses. Your pets will be having the time of their lives as the party animal!

Dancing Machine

Magic Mike 2 is already filming, but this last outfit might be able to score your pet a spot as an extra. Although a little risqué, one black bow tie plus one pair of black men’s boxer briefs equals one adorable Magic Mike costume. It should only cost you about $10…in singles. Pin some dollar bills to the underwear to get even more laughs.

What last minute costumes are you putting together for your pet?

For more tips for pets (and their owners) in the neighborhood, check out Park Slope for Pets.