Last Chance To Buy Discounted Tickets To The BITE: Sheepshead!

Today’s the day! More than 20 eateries will converge tonight on the Baron DeKalb Knights of Columbus (3000 Emmons Avenue), serving up mouth-watering treats from around the world at 7pm for The BITE: Sheepshead (formerly A Taste of Sheepshead Bay).

And time is running out to buy discounted tickets online!

We’re closing electronic ticket sales at 4pm so we can gather up our lists and head to the venue. That means you have until then to get a $10 discount or two-for-one tickets by buying online, saving money off the $45 door price. For the $10 discount, use promo code “Bite35”, and for two-for-$45 tickets, use promo code “Bite2”.

You’ll still be able to buy tickets at the door, but it’s cash only.

To find out what restaurants are participating and more, check out the event website. Or go straight to buying tickets here.